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News & Announcements

NOAA ships sailing toward energy efficiency

NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations is taking several steps towards achieving more energy efficient platforms and reducing greenhouse gas pollution for its ship fleet by 2050.

Oceanographer (left) and Discoverer are two ships being built for NOAA

NOAA Corps recognizes 102-year-old retired officer

On December 11, leaders from NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps paid tribute to a 102-year-old Scottsdale, Arizona, resident who has a special connection to NOAA and the NOAA Corps. 

During a surprise visit, NOAA Corps Director Rear Adm. Chad Cary, presented retired NOAA Corps Capt. Leonard (Sam) Baker with a meritorious service medal for his four decades of service to the nation with the NOAA Corps and its predecessors.

CAPT (ret.) Sam Baker with his award from RADM Chad Cary